lørdag den 17. november 2012

Skyrim - Nightingale armor #4

Wohuuh! two posts in under a month I feel so productive!^3^

So today I went and worked a bit on the back, something which I have been dreading for a while because I simply couldn't find a good reference picture with the cape always being in the way!X_x But then as I was starting consider just winging it I remembered the in game item viewer and after I stopped hitting my head against the desk feeling stupid I got to work^^0

So I used one of my vests as model and came up with this piece. The first of many funky pieces I've cut out and sewn together today^^0

 I'm leaving the upper back and neckpiece open for now. I'm still concidering weather or not I'm using Velcro, pushbuttons or something completely different to close it, so for now we're working downwards:)
 Which brings us to funky piece #2 and the return of needlesX_X

 Needles is such  a great tool... as long as they stay in the fabric and away from my poor fingersQ_Q
 Funky piece #3 This was by far the most complicated piece to make and fit into place, and it' twice as important because this is the piece connecting the front with back, so without further ado, I present to you.
The Batmobile!!!!!
Eheh^^0 Sorry couldn't help itxP 
So that's what I managed to do today. I will leave you with a few photos of me trying on the needle monsterxD


søndag den 11. november 2012

Skyrim - Nightingale armor #3


Ehem...Hi all^^0 So to explain my more than three months absence I can only say that moving is a bitch and after several months mostly living in a trailer you start to appreciate the little things in life like indoor plumbing, radiators and freaking INTERNET!X_X

Anyway! I'm very happy about my new apartment(more like room with kitchen, but oh wellxP) and university is a blast with amazing people and lectures which has kept me busy, but NOW I actually managed to sit down in peace and start sewing again:D

So to begin with explaining what I've done, I've got to admit... I have very little idea^^0 I can't just sew the top armor as a shirt because of the many straps and other details, so I'm simply just starting from the neck and then working down slowly until hopefully I have a front piece that can be fastened to a back piece.

So I tried making the pattern with paper and while it took a few tries before it fit correctly it paid out in the end when I had to do it again with the fake leather.

(Lots of needles again but thankfully not as many as the last time!)

Aaaand that's it! It doesn't look like much but it took awfully long time to make^^0 Hopefully next time I can work a bit on the back so I can actually put it on, but until then.


mandag den 6. august 2012

Skyrim - Nightingale armor #2

Heii All!^^
Back again from vacation and I just so mannaged to score myself pretty much all the fabric I needed to continue this project so here's what I've mannaged to make so far:D

Sir Hood~
I've made a cape once before and the hood ended up being too small, so this time I made it large enough for at least two heads to fit in there and lo and behold if my paranoia didn't pay offxP The cape on the other hand ended up WAY too large so I'll have to adjust that at some point^^0
 Decorations - aka. B/tch leather!X_X
Making the decoration for the hood started out well...
 I drew the design off onto paper then onto leather and cut it out with a knife, no problem....
 .... and then came the needles!X_X

Good grief I think I've poked out every last bit of skin on the tip of my fingers-.-0 On the bright side however, it looks badass when its donexP


The mask...
  -So after destroying my fingers with the hood I went on with the mask because the only thing more fun that needles+fingers is needles+fingers+face bleh-.-0
So I started sketching pattern from a mask used for skiing and then halfway through I realized that the fabric I was using couldn't stretch the same way as the original(Doh I know-.-0) So this is the part where I come up with funny ideas to fix thisxD

 Letting the back stay open and close the top with elastic.

 Another piece of elastic at the neck PLUS two press studs to keep it tight but no sufforcating.

And voilá the mask is complete!... Or not, still needs to make all the details with the leather like I did with the hood, but that's going to wait for another time^^



onsdag den 11. juli 2012

Skyrim - Nightingale armor#1

Skyrim is an epic game- If you haven't played it, go do so NOW!!.... no seriouslyxP

The Nightingale Armor will be a project hopefully done for J-Popcon 2013. I absolutely adore the design and the whole Thieves guild quest line is just a perl with the perfect mix of mischievous quests, great adventures, a tragic love story and Brynjolf's smexy accent^3^

I haven't worked with anything armor-ish before so brace yourselves for lots of fun(embarrasing) mistakes. I do however have lots of ideas, back-up plans etc. swimming in my head already so there's a chance that this thing might actually will be done... at some point^^0

To break it down I've got three main areas and materials to work with:
  1. Under garment/body suit
  2. Cape and mask
  3. Leather Armor
  4. ... Wig and makeup makes it four if we count that as well:P
So today I went and raided my mom's closet for leftover fabric and lo and behold if she didn't have a whole bunch of the stretch material we used so make gympants off when I was on boarding school!xD

It turned out like this:

Yay for shiny fabrics!xD... or maybe not that much^^0 But it is done and so is this post for now:-)

onsdag den 16. maj 2012

GuildWars 2: Caithe Cosplay #1

Hey all^^
This will be my first entry in my first blog ever and I'm a very excited and even more scared cause I've gotten this wonderful crazy(stupid really^^0) idea that I want to cosplay the sylvari Caithe from NCSoft's, still in process, game GuildWars 2.
It won't be my first cosplay but it will be the largest challenge I've ever been stupid enough to take but I'm certain it will be fun as well with lots of glow paint!xD