søndag den 28. april 2013

Skyrim - Nightingale armor #8

5 days left until SVScon and I'm DONE!!xDD
Holy BLEEP am I happy I managed to do this! I've never done a project this big but Ohmy*¤#%FEELS!! IT FEELS AWESOME!!!xDD
Okay I'll stop now and just post the pictures^^0

I've never made gloves before and certainly not with a fabric that doesn't stretch, but after the thumb was in place it went relatively smoothly:)

Pretty pretty details^^ Now moving on to something I was really excited about, the metal decorations!

#First I made them of clay

#Then I cast it in plaster!

#And THEN I filled the cast with Worbla's deco pellets which is this really cool plastic-like material which melts when its heated!
#Heating up the whole thing with boiling water and TADAH a plastic bird!^^

#Finally I painted it over with spray paint, I actually painted it twice because the first paint I bought was really crappy so I had to go buy another one-_-0
This is the second time I've done this mistake so now I'll just say it to whoever might benefit, DON'T buy spray paint on sale! It is never good-3-

Moving on to the final! The shoulders were a pain because trying to make something round out fabric really isn't that easy, but I think it went okay^^

An now it is time.... FINAL PICTURES!!!!

Thank you all for following my progress^^
I hope to see a lot of lovely people in Herning, I'll be there... watching you from the shadows#stealth100


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